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Get Involved

Picture of Wattle Flower

There are many ways that you can be involved in the Highland End-of-Life Project!

Have Your Say

We'd love to hear from our community about what's important to you and what is missing in the death and dying space.

Where would you like to feel more confidence?
What are you interested in learning about?
What options would you like available?
Where would you like to see change?
What would you like to experience?
What do you need support with?

Volunteer With Us

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Our People

We are seeking volunteers from all walks of life with a range of skills and experiences to support our Highlands and our programs. Please get in touch!

All the things!

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You don't need to have to do end-of-life support or deathcare to get involved. We are seeking assistance from volunteers with experience in a range of things such as media, resource development, grant writing, life stories writing, fundraising events management, administrative support, book keeping and more! Please click below to register your interest or get in touch with us.

Typing on the Computer
Therapy Closeup

Counselling Volunteer

We are building a small team of qualified professionals to provide end-of-life and grief and loss counselling to people in need. Additional training provided for qualified mental health practitioners. Please contact us for more information.

Financial Support

Your financial support is really appreciated. You can donate or consider including a gift in your Will to Highlands. Please contact us for more information.

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